
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Treasure Trove of Free Classics

Recently I discovered that many of the classic DOS games that I grew up with are now available for free! They can be downloaded at "abandonware" sites such as http://www.abandonia.com/.

Of course, they won't run out of the box on modern operating systems but fret not. There's a nifty little tool called DosBox that allows you to run a DOS environment on Windows XP and on Linux even! You can get it at http://dosbox.sourceforge.net

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Fedora Core 3 Rocks!

Recently upgraded to Fedora Core 3, and it's such a HUGE improvement over the previous 2 versions.

The GUI certainly looks far more professional and slicker than earlier versions. There are also huge improvements in a lot of the bundled software. Most notable ones are Gaim (finally able to send/recv files over MSN and display the avatar as well) and Open Office 1.1.3.

Many system administration tasks are also getting easier and easier.

The upgrade went mostly smoothly but considering I was upgrading from Fedora Core 1 to Fedora Core 3, some snags were expected. For example, Grub was unable to run at boot time and I had to use a rescue disk to set things right.

Also, I had installed the NVidia driver for my GeForce card and I had to reinstall a version compatible with the new kernel before X Windows could start.

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